From Summer 2016 issue of Phi Kappa Phi Forum
Info graphic example:
As a member of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi [inducted June 2001 at University of Missouri-St. Louis], I received the newest issue of the society's magazine today. As soon as I saw the column space of different sports media data related to the 1984 Olympics, I knew that this would make a terrific visual resource for students.
I don't limit myself to only using printed materials within the home economics domain; sadly that would be very limiting.
I've fallen in love with info graphics! They appeal to the brainy academic research side of my brain and also to the other creative flexible expressive half.
Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory is one that I totally believe and try to remember in my classroom practices. Students, like myself, have different strengths and weaknesses; however we can all be more successful if assignments and learning combine analytical with artistic, structure with fluidity; and written with visual.