Welcome to Becca's Heart for FACS Education

From many years ago as member in 4-H and FHA clubs, my love grew for Home Economics-arts and teaching. As a certified FACS teacher of grades 6-12 in Illinois, I have a passion for all things home, family, and community related!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

attachments: vintage, retro looks

After seeing the 2 sisters featured in Readymade magazine, I did some web surfing to see what they had online. I was disappointed that their home page for the website was old but pleasantly surprised that their blogs and the blogs of the other 2 gals that work with them were new.


If you see the cotton fabrics commercial starring Zoey Deschanel, then you have an idea how fashionably cool these sisters are dressing. The sisters have split their creative forces for the store in Springfield, MO--one sister is in charge of the vintage re-sale fashions and home goods as well as starting a vintage-inspired fashion line and the other sister is in charge of cupcakes and bubble tea.